
17 2015

Mayerson JCC Film Festival: Bethlehem

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Kenwood Theatre 7815 Kenwood Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 984-4488

Contact Betsy Singer-Lefton


With presentation by Maia Morag, Community Emissary (Shlicha), Israel Center of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

Razi, an Israeli secret service officer, has an unlikely bond and strong asset in Sanfur, a teenage Palestinian informant. But when his brother goes on his latest rampage, Sanfur faces an impossible dilemma—loyalty to family or the lives of others. Lines are crossed and boundaries blurred as the clock ticks on in this gritty, high-stakes drama.

2013 • Drama - Thriller • 99 minutes • Yuval Adler • Hebrew/Arabic with English subtitles