
20 2020

In the Moment: Conversations Worth Having (October)

In the Moment: Conversations Worth Having (October)
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 | Noon | Zoom | Series held the third Tuesday of the month
The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center invites you to join us for a monthly dialogue about the stories and issues that define our current moment. Having conversations about current events helps us to process and understand the importance of people, events, and issues that shape our world today. Each month, we’ll bring in community leaders, scholars, experts, and activists to discuss contemporary issues – like antisemitism, genocide, racial inequality, voter suppression, mental health – with our staff. During this hour-long session, learn about and process current topics while becoming inspired to use your own character strengths to tackle issues as an upstander today.
The topic of October’s discussion will be announced a few days prior to the program.