HONOR outgoing JCRC President Michelle Kohn, and former JCRC Director Sarah Weiss.
MEET incoming JCRC President Walter Spiegel and new JCRC Director Jackie Congedo, and hear their plans for the future.
LEARN how practicing civil discourse can empower our community to pursue a more just society for all.
How can we embrace and foster respectful debate and dissent in our communities during this time of increasing polarization? As the evening’s keynote speaker, Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson will explain the Jewish tradition of dissent and debate, which has been valued and practiced for centuries, and she’ll explain how this time-tested tradition can inform our efforts to foster and encourage civil discourse in our communities. Abrahamson is president of The Wexner Foundation, an organization that focuses on the development of Jewish professional and volunteer leaders in North America, and public leaders in Israel. She is a dynamic speaker, has been published in magazines, books, and journals, and has received the Bernard Reisman Award as an outstanding member of the professional Jewish community.