Jewish Family Service brings Joshua Safran, who is nationally recognized advocate for survivors of domestic violence to town in October. This award-winning documentary, Crime after Crime, features Joshua Safran and the 7-year legal battle to free from prison Debbie Peagler, an incarcerated survivor of brutal domestic violence. After spending over 20 years in prison, her story takes an unexpected turn when Safran and another attorney take on her case pro bono – and attract global attention to the troubled intersection of domestic violence and criminal justice.
Joshua Safran, is an attorney and author. He will answer questions after the screening of the award-winning documentary, Crime after Crime. The film features Joshua Safran and the 7-year legal battle to free from prison Debbie Peagler, an incarcerated survivor of brutal domestic violence. After spending over 20 years in prison, her story takes an unexpected turn when Safran and another attorney take on her case pro bono – and attract global attention to the troubled intersection of domestic violence and criminal justice.
The movie premiered at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. The screening is free and open to the community. Register online at
Jewish Family Service is bringing Safran to town during October’s Domestic Violence Awareness month. This movie screening is free and open to the community. Safran will also share his unique life story at a community-wide dialogue at 7:30 – 9.