All Job Seekers Welcome!
Experiencing the Monday morning jobless blues? Monday mornings during a job search can be tough. Facing the week without direction or a place to go is profound and can be dispiriting to your job search. Combat the dreaded Monday morning syndrome with a session designed to motivate and support job seekers. Grab a cup of coffee and join the JVSCS consultants and other job searching candidates for a morning of motivation, job searching tips and networking. Kick off the week and get things going so you can move closer to achieving your employment goals.
Our guest presenter will be Alyssa Grelak, Senior Resource Manager at POSSIBLE.
Alyssa will be speaking on Office Culture: How to use the biggest business topic in 2016 to your advantage.
As the Senor Resource manager at POSSIBLE, Alyssa is responsible for ensuring the most effective and efficient use of people and time within the agency based on project needs, employee skill sets and availability. Her entire career has been dedicated to mixing project management and logistics with world-class stakeholder and client service. As a leader in Cincinnati, Alyssa is extremely active professionally, civically and socially. She is the former VP of Young Professionals for the American Marketing Association, volunteers with the communication committee of Give Back Cincinnati and participates in activities with the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce.
Our workshops are accessible. If you need accommodations, there is an entrance located behind our building that will lead you directly to the first floor where workshops are held.