All Job Seekers Welcome!
Experiencing the Monday morning jobless blues? Monday mornings during a job search can be tough. Facing the week without direction or a place to go is profound and can be dispiriting to your job search. Combat the dreaded Monday morning syndrome with a session designed to motivate and support job seekers. Grab a cup of coffee and join the JVSCS consultants and other job searching candidates for a morning of motivation, job searching tips and networking. Kick off the week and get things going so you can move closer to achieving your employment goals.
Lisa Slutsky, Career Manager with Max Technical Training will be our quest speaker. Come learn about Max Technical Training.
Lisa Slutsky has an extensive background in talent acquisition, outplacement assistance, and career coaching. She works as a Career Manager for MAX Technical Training in Mason, with overall responsibility for the Developer Apprentice Program. She also assists job seekers/career changers in determining which training programs best meet their overall career goals. After they have completed their training, she coaches students through the job search process.
Our workshops are accessible. If you need accommodations, there is an entrance located behind our building that will lead you directly to the first floor where workshops are held.