
22 2023

Little Amal Cincinnati

3:00PM - 4:30PM  

The Banks 50 E Freedom Way
Cincinnnati, OH 45202

Contact Evan Gidley

Little Amal is a 12-foot puppet of a 10-year-old Syrian refugee girl who has traveled across 13 countries meeting more than a million people, and watched by tens of millions more online. This fall, she will journey 6,000 miles across the United States in one of the largest free public festivals ever created. 35 towns and cities from Boston to San Diego and 1,000+ artists and arts organizations will create 100+ events to welcome her. Amal’s journeys of art and hope celebrate the rich stories of refugees, immigrants, and displaced people, and the communities that welcome them. Amal's Cincinnati visit is presented by the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra with producing partners Cincinnati Compass, Kroger Wellness Festival, and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.