
28 2024

Stories of Resilience from Netiv HaAsara

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation Etz Chaim 8100 Cornell Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45242

Contact Lainey Richler

In the heart-wrenching terrorist attack of October 7th in Southern Israel, the close-knit community of Netiv HaAsara lost 20 beloved residents, including children, women and men. Terrorists infiltrated their peaceful haven and left a trail of destruction and sorrow. Before October 7th, the residents of this community lived under almost daily rocket fire from Gaza, rushing to safe rooms regularly to protect their families. Despite all of this, the members of Netiv HaAsara focused on peace, even building a beautiful mosaic peace wall with a dove facing Gaza. Since October 7th, all 1,000 residents, including 320 youth and children, were evacuated from their homes and are committed to rebuilding and bringing their lives back. Netiv HaAsara also carries a unique history for the State of Israel. Founded in 1973, after relocating their residents in 1982 from Sinai to make peace with Egypt.