The prayers of generations of Jewish mothers and grandmothers, reflecting their longings and feelings, are being rediscovered. Men and women alike are adopting women’s prayers at moments of joy and in times of grief, in private devotion, and in congregational services. We shall explore how and why Jewish women’s prayers are at the center of a cultural reawakening, being set to music, recited, and dramatized. We will hear about women Minyan in Israel, the Western Wall Women phenomena, and women's prayer.
Join Dr. Aliza Lavie, chairperson of The Herzl Center and Herzl Museum, for the discussion. Lavie is a public figure, lecturer, and author who served as a member of Knesset from 2013-2019 and chaired the Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality. Her public activities focus on issues relating to social and gender equality, religion and state, strengthening the connection between Israel and the Diaspora, and cementing the image of Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State. Lavie is a senior lecturer in communications and one of the leading figures in the discussion on Judaism and Culture. She strives to return connection and
unity to the Israeli discourse and to lessen the tribe mentality.
This event is brought to you by Partnership2Gether, a program of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati. We invite you to join us to meet Israeli leaders and see some new faces from Israel. Learn from the most interesting people from Netanya—in your own living room!
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