5:30 p.m. Cocktails
6:45 p.m. Dinner and Program
This is a thank you dinner recognizing those donors who commit a $10,000 minimum family annual gift to the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.
There will be no formal solicitation at this event.
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Suzette Fisher, President
Sally and Marty Hiudt
2016 Community Campaign Co-Chairs
Debbie and Jody Brant & Sally and Marty Hiudt
2016 Major Gifts Dinner Co-Chairs
Shep Englander, CEO
Danielle V. Minson, Chief Development Officer
Host Committee
Karen And Fred Abel
Chrissie And Josh Blatt
Suzi And Bob Brant
Alison And Bret Caller
Fran And Craig Coleman
Evelyn And Marc Fisher
Suzette And Michael Fisher
Rebbe And Norman Frankel
Sherri And Tedd Friedman
Linda And Gary Greenberg
Beth And Louis Guttman
Elaine And Murray Guttman
Kathy And Fred Kanter
Julie And Rick Kantor
Sue And Jay Price
Ronna And Ben Schneider
Abby And David Schwartz
Dina And Ron Wilheim
Nancy And David Wolf
Jen And Mike Zelkind
Official Sponsor of the
2016 Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Community Campaign