The JCRC and Israel Center of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati present a public forum on the future of US-Israel Relations.
The Israel Public Diplomacy Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational organization established to advance international understanding of Israel and the Middle East. The IDP promotes people-to-people dialogue that is informed, reliable and intellectually engaging.
Eytan Gilboa is a world renowned expert on international communications, public diplomacy, and US policy in the Middle East. He has been Professor of International Communication, founder and first director of both the School of Communication and the Center for International Communication at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. He is also a senior research associate at the BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Chair of the Israeli Communication Association and founding Chair and Academic Director of the Israel Public Diplomacy Forum.
In 2005, Gilboa helped found the Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) at USC. His most recent books include Media and Diplomacy in the Information Age, US-Israel Relations in a New Era: Issues and Challenges after 9/11 (2009), and Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Policy Making, Shaping Opinions (2002). He is published in Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, The Yale Review, Harvard International Journal Press/Politics, Gazette, Political Communication and Persuasion, Public Opinion, International Communication, Political Science Quarterly, Review of International Studies and many more. He has appeared on CNN International, BBC World, Fox News, ABC News Nightline, PBS's Lehrer News Hour, Al-Jazeera, ITN (UK), ZDF (Germany), RAI (Italy), Russia Today (Russia), and CBC (Canada).
Dr. Gilboa graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Hebrew University and received his MA and PhD degrees in Government from Harvard University. He taught at the Hebrew University and has been a visiting professor in several leading American and European universities including Harvard, UCLA, Georgetown, American University in Washington DC, Tufts, USC, and the University of Hamburg.
Sponsor: Jewish Community Relations Council