
23 2021

JFC-Women's Philanthropy: Yoga in the Sukkah

5:30PM - 7:00PM  

Mayerson JCC - Amberley Room 8485 Ridge Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Contact Jaynie Levinson

Practice yoga with women of all ages and abilities in this special Sukkot-inspired class that weaves in meaningful Jewish connection. Class will be lead by Ellen Zipperstein. Light refreshments to follow in the Mayerson JCC Sukkah.

Thursday, September 23 at 5:30 p.m.
Mayerson JCC, Outdoor tent

Class begins 5:30 p.m.
Light refreshments 6:30 p.m. 

Register today!

Event Hosts: Deborah Birckhead and Cindy Loon
Women's Philanthropy Chairs: Jessica Kuresman and Carrie Goldhoff

Please RSVP by September 20. If you have questions, contact Jaynie Levinson at or 440-409-3790.