
19 2016

Israelity Speakers Series: A Colorful Society

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Mayerson Jewish Community Center 8485 Ridge Road
Cincinnati, OH

Contact Maia Morag

Who are the people of modern-day Israel? What defines an Israeli? 

Maia Morag, Community Emissary (Shlicha) from Israel, will introduce you to Israel’s colorful society. You’ll learn that the Jewish state is home to a whole host of ethnic and religious groups, each leaving its unique mark on Israeli culture. Join Morag at the Mayerson JCC for “A Colorful Society: The People of Israel,” a discussion about Israeli society’s transformation from melting pot to multicultural nation.

To RSVP please contact Michael Wagner directly either at mwagner@jfedcin.org  or 513-985-1510.


Maia Morag, Community Emissary (Shlicha) will introduce you to Israel’s colorful society. You’ll learn that the Jewish state is home to a whole host of ethnic and religious groups, each leaving their unique mark on Israeli society. Join Morag at the Mayerson JCC for “A Colorful Society: the people of Israel,” a discussion about Israeli society’s transformation from melting pot to multicultural.