Eliminating Racial Inequities in our Criminal Legal System: A Presentation, Panel Discussion, and Call to Action
Presented by EquaSion's A Mighty Stream program in conjunction with the Ohio Justice and Policy Center
Wednesday, March 3, 6:00 p.m. EST Webinar
David A. Singleton, Esq. | Ohio Justice and Policy Center
Dr. Zaria F. Davis | Pretrial Justice Institute
Rickell H. Smith, Esq. | Center for Social Justice, Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio
Rabbi Gary P. Zola, Ph.D., Host | American Jewish Archives, Hebrew Union College-JIR
A Mighty Stream is an interfaith racial justice initiative sponsored by EquaSion. This webinar is the first in a planned series to examine the current racial inequities in critical quality of life systems. The Ohio Justice and Policy Center is our region's leading non-profit law firm that advocates for fair and equal justice through client-centered advocacy, policy reform, and cross-sector community education.