JVS Career Services free webinar series continues on Tuesday, June 23rd at 11:00 AM. Join JVS Career Services as they help you take your LinkedIn knowledge to the next level. Their resident LinkedIn experts will go over topics such as personalized invitations, networking, and how to find the HR contact within a company.
LinkedIn is more relevant now than ever. From seeking a new job to maintaining your personal brand, LinkedIn is an important part of being a full-fledged professional in any industry these days.
Have any questions or need help registering? Please contact Kasey Rouse at krouse@jvscareers.org or 513-745-2906.
Sign up for the webinar here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eh4azsb5cd041dc9&oseq=&c=&ch=