
10 2020

View from the House: Reps Don Beyer and Pete Olson on the NO HATE Act

RSVP Here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/8315937816121/WN_oxEltzqURbK0IesxpgFF1g

Hate crimes in the United States are on the rise, yet our nation’s ability to address this increase is hindered by a lack of information about these crimes. In 2018, more than 80 cities with a population over 100,000 failed to report hate crimes to the FBI. Why are Jews, despite making up less than two-percent of the U.S population, the target of nearly sixty-percent of all religious based crimes? What steps must the federal government take to encourage accurate hate crimes data collection and reporting? Join Representatives Don Beyer (D-VA) and Pete Olson (R-TX) for a bipartisan discussion on the NO HATE Act, a bill they introduced in the house that seeks to leverage funds granted to state and local municipalities to drive the law enforcement community to improve tracking and reporting of hate crimes.