
19 2020

Turning to Faith

During this historic time of overwhelming uncertainty and worldwide crisis, the Cincinnati Festival of Faiths, the signature program of the interfaith group EquaSion, will continue the momentum of our community's interfaith collaboration through a series of short webinars, called "Turning to Faith."

During April, there are a number of holidays representing six faith traditions.  They are the holidays of Easter, Passover, Ramadan, Ridvan, Vaisakh and Maidyozarem Gahambar.  EquaSion, in cooperation with InterfaithCincy, has also published a comprehensive multi-faith calendar available online at https://www.multi-faithcalendar.org/.

Beginning Sunday, April 19 and continuing weekly on Sundays through May 10, all programs will air from 4:00 to 4:30 pm and require registration.  Please register to receive your passcode to participate.

Webinar sponsored by EquaSion/Festival of Faiths, in conjunction with The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, and the Bruggeman Center for Dialogue, Xavier University.