Women's Philanthropy

Every woman matters here

Looking to connect? Do you want to make the world a better place? Do you feel the need to serve or give back?

You've come to the right place!

You might be a leader in your community, school, or business; or you might be new to Jewish Cincinnati. Whether you know exactly how you want to be involved or are not quite sure how to begin, you are welcome here.

In whatever way you are inspired to support our community—from hands-on volunteering and committee work to leadership positions—we want you to join us. Women’s Philanthropy programs and events are opportunities for all the women in our community, regardless of giving level, to come together and strengthen our community.

We would love to hear YOUR Jewish story. Call us today to hear more about how you can make a difference!

We welcome your involvement in any of our programs. Come join us and meet like-minded women who make a difference in our community. Let us know which programs you are interested in joining!

  • Helping on Chai

    Join us on (or around) the 18th day of the month for volunteer
    opportunities in our community.
    Our next volunteer event is:
    Most Valuable Kids: Sunday, August 18

  • Women's Philanthropy Mission

    Join an incredible group of women to learn about the struggles of African Americans to gain equality in the 1950s & ‘60s as well as discover how Jews were involved in the civil rights movement. This trip is open to any female who gives $1,800+.

  • Yoga in the Sukkah

    Practice yoga under the stars with women of all ages and abilities led by one of our own yogis! Stay to nosh on fruit, juices, and smoothies in a private local sukkah.

Shari Schulhoff, Women’s Philanthropy Chair
Bryna Miller, Women's Philanthropy Vice Chair

Fran Coleman, Lion of Judah and Lion of Judah Endowment Chair
Jessica Kuresman, Immediate Past Women's Philanthropy Chair


    The Lion of Judah is a symbol of today’s Jewish woman’s strength, a symbol of her caring about the organized Jewish world and a symbol of her financial commitment of at least $5,000 to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.


Jaynie Levinson
Women's Philanthropy Director

Watch video: A Day in the Life
of Women Like You