Hallie Kantor
Senior Annual Giving Officer

Lion of Judah Society

The Lions of Judah are the most dynamic philanthropic Jewish women in the world. With each making an annual gift of $5,000 or more to the Jewish Federation, they are strong women of all ages, an international sisterhood of thousands of global activists who care deeply about our Jewish future. Cincinnati’s Lions collectively contribute more than $1.5 million annually to our community.

Lions receive local, national, and international recognition. They can be identified by the beautiful Lion of Judah pins they are invited to wear as a sign of their commitment. The Lion of Judah symbolized strength, honor, and dedication for the Tribe of Judah—the dominant tribe of the Twelve Tribes of Israel—and it continues to reflect those values today.


Their goal is to play an essential role in creating social justice, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, preserving human dignity, and building Jewish identity.


  • Annual Lion of Judah Event
  • Opportunity to Purchase Lion of Judah Pin
  • VIP Access to National Speakers and Missions
  • Exclusive Social Action Opportunities
  • Cohort of Like-Minded Women to Support Local Community Events
  • International Lion of Judah Conference (Alternate Years)
  • Honor Roll Listing