There are many ways to give—from volunteering to making a gift to the Annual Campaign. Any form of giving acts as a force for good in the world: caring for the elderly, striving for social justice, keeping our community safe, fighting against antisemitism, and bringing crucial aid to the most vulnerable. Donate now online.

Attention: Debra Miller

Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

8499 Ridge Road

Cincinnati, OH 45236

For every new dollar, the community gets 3, thanks to the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati. Click here for more information.

Simply click on an item of interest below to learn more.

Women's Philanthropy programs and events are opportunities for women, regardless of giving level, to come together and strengthen our community.
We serve as a connector for all things young and Jewish in Cincinnati. We help native Cincinnatians and newcomers find meaning and build relationships in all facets of life, from professional and religious to cultural and communal. We have something for everyone!

Contact Us


Danielle V. Minson
513-985-1530  |