This guest post series is to let you know a bit more about Cincinnati 2020, our community’s collaboration to build an engaged and empowered Jewish community by the year 2020. This week, our Director of Community Building at the Federation, Barb Miller, and the chair of Cincinnati 2020, Tedd Friedman, talk with Leslie Newman, Trustee and Treasurer of The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati.
How did you first get involved in Cincinnati 2020?
Because of my role with The Foundation, I do have somewhat of an “insider’s lens” into Cincinnati 2020’s process and objectives. And I would tell people that, even though the Federation and Foundation are autonomous, independent organizations, we work together very closely with many similar goals. We have all worked hard to build a cohesive, united community and I think that is something to be incredibly proud of. So, essentially, The Foundation’s goals are very closely aligned with the goals of 2020. ... More >
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