Workum internship program now accepting applications for 2015

The Workum internship program is now accepting applications for the summer of 2015, with some exciting new internships! This year, Camp Livingston, Rockdale Temple, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School, and the Halom House are offering unique opportunities. These are in addition to the American Jewish Archives, the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), Jewish Family Service, The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati, Cedar Village, JVS Career Services, The Center for Holocaust and Humanities, the Mayerson JCC, and Cincinnati Hillel. 

“I am thrilled about the new opportunities for internships in Cincinnati this summer,” said Sammy Kanter, Esther and Maurice Becker Networking and Mentoring Coordinator and Director of the Workum internship program. “We also have the opportunity to expand upon last year’s immersion into Cincinnati, with interns taking part in events in the Jewish community and larger city to become connected and passionate about Cincinnati.”

In addition to the new internship opportunities and expanded cohort activities, the Workum internship is now open to any college student who is willing to spend the summer here. Previously, the internship was only available to students who attended high school in Cincinnati.

“By opening up the internships to any college student, I believe we’re positioning ourselves to be a Jewish destination and more welcoming city to all,” Kanter said. “This fulfills our goals of Cincinnati 2020 and the Becker Center to attract and connect more young adults to Cincinnati.”

Workum intern alumni have gone on to successful roles in our Jewish community and in national Jewish organizations. Whether a student is interested in nonprofit work or just looking to gain real-world, working experience, past interns agree this is the program to do that.

“I think working at the Jewish Foundation made me especially aware of the Cincinnati Jewish community,” said Genevieve Pecsok, a student at Washington University in St. Louis. “I saw that the opportunities in our Jewish community are continually expanding, and that Cincinnati offers many, many different ways to explore our Judaism. It is comparable to larger cities all over the US, and that's something to be proud of.”

There are many new internship opportunities this year, including an exciting internship at Camp Livingston.

“The intern will get to be the leader of a communications strategy that will touch thousands of people over the summer,” said Aaron Slovin, Executive Director of Camp Livingston. “The Workum intern will be able to contribute in a meaningful way, leaving their mark on Camp for years to come. And lastly, who doesn't want to spend their summer at camp?”

Internships begin on June 10 and run through August 5, 2015 (eight weeks). Interns work 30 hours per week and are paid.

“The Workum internship instilled a sense of pride in me. Pride in my city, pride in my temple, and pride in my Judaism,” said Jay Burgin, student at Denison University and intern at Isaac M. Wise Temple last summer. “I will move forward in my professional development with a strong sense of where I came from.”


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