Create Your Jewish Legacy February Update

News from our February 25 CYJL seminar

  • 80 individuals/couples have completed an LOI
  • 157 total LOIs
  • 130 that count towards the LIFE & LEGACY goals
  • CHDS has 82% board participation; 82% have filled out LOIs

Federation CEO Shep Englander spoke on being community stakeholders, saying:
"We have a vision together. This activity is about much more than the dollars we are raising. What do the LOIs mean? We are a culture of ownership, of stakeholders. Why does this matter?  Because we want to show our grandchildren, our friends, how it changes the quality of life when we are owners, we are bringing not just our checks but our ideas, our relationships, our vision to this community.  It makes such a difference for your board to be able to say we make a commitment to this organization; it changes how we relate to that organization.  I just want you to know how powerful what you are doing is."



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