January News: Create Your Jewish Legacy Successes: 463 New Commitments

Create Your Jewish Legacy Successes: 463 New Commitments: Mazal tov to the Create Your Jewish Legacy community for all the work to help Jewish Cincinnati. It has been an impressive Year One of the program.  David Harris, CYJL program manager, reports:

  • Total community commitments secured by CYJL since September 2014 is 463.
  • The estimated value of those commitments is over $17 million.
  • 30 community organizations have been designated as beneficiaries.
  • All 12 participating organizations qualified for a $10,000 incentive grant from LIFE & LEGACY (the national Jewish legacy giving program of which CYJL is a part)—a real accomplishment.
  • The following organizations qualified for the additional $5000 incentive grant: Adath Israel, Beth Adam, Cedar Village Foundation, JCGC, JFS, Mayerson JCC, Rockdale, Rockwern, and CHDS.

National Program’s Year-End Numbers: The national program that coordinates Jewish legacy giving, LIFE & LEGACY (of which CYJL is a part), also offered some impressive end-of-year numbers:

  • 23 communities and 13 Hillel campus affiliates (representing 289 organizations) have been actively engaged in legacy conversations and formalization of commitments.
  • Over 6,702 legacy commitments have been collectively secured with an estimated value of more than $257.8 M in future gifts to the Jewish community.
  • $23 M in legacy commitments have been realized to date, mostly through cash gifts to endowments.  

Events:  Adath Israel is hosting a series on “Aging and Jewish Tradition.” Of special interest may the final session, the evening of March 1, on “Ethical Wills.”  


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