Update from David Harris, CYJL Coordinator

Congratulations to everyone: we have truly accomplished a lot this spring. I know everyone has worked hard to get us this far, and we have a supportive community to thank.

First: as of May 1, 2015 we have 213 Letters of Intent (LOIs), 191 of which count toward the total of 216 required by LIFE&LEGACY. As you know, if we reach our goal by December 2015, the 12 participating CYJL organizations each receive a $10,000 matching grant.

Second, we are also proud that we have reached 251 LOIs overall, for the whole community.

Third, we are also in the news in the Israelite for the high rate of legacy giving among our young adults.

And finally, another real accomplishment is Rockwern's beautiful video about a family's commitment to legacy giving through CYJL.


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