
15 2023

A New Look at an Old Book: Rethinking the Purpose of Pirke Avot

5:00PM - 6:00PM  

Klau Library - Hebrew Union College 3101 Clifton Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45220
513 487 3287

Contact Abigail Bacon
513 487 3279

Subversive Principles: Understanding the Purpose of Mishnah Avot 1 and 2. In this lecture, Dr. Aaron will discuss the relationship between the aphorisms in Avot, Greco-Roman philosophical schools, and the ideology of early Rabbinism. Rabbi David Aaron, Ph.D. is the Professor of Hebrew Bible and History of Interpretation on the HUC-JIR Cincinnati campus.

The Tsevat Memorial Lecture is presented in memory of Dr. Matitiahu Tsevat, who taught at HUC for more than 20 years.

Sponsor: A partnership of the Klau Library and the HUC-JIR Dean's Office with support from the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati