
3 2015

Jewish Professional Advisors Network

12:00PM - 1:00PM  

Katz Teller 255 East 5th st. second floor conference room

Contact Debra Steinbuch

Join the Jewish Professional Advisors Network (JPAN) for a Lunch and Learn.
Topic: Social Security Claiming Strategies: Understanding present and future options.
Speakers: Anna Pfaehler CFP Director of Financial Planning and Mike Napier CFP, VP both are from Horan
Location: Katz Teller 255 East 5th st. 2nd floor conference room, Downtown Cincinnati
Time: 12-1 Lunch is provided. Kosher style. If you require a VAAD approved meal please contact Debra Steinbuch at 513-985-1593 or email at

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of Cincinnati