The rise of extremism and antisemitism has created an environment where our democracy faces unprecedented threats and challenges. That’s why the Jewish Community Relations Council is examining the current crisis in America through its new speaker series To Bigotry No Sanction: Jewish Perspectives at the Crossroads of American Democracy and Pathways Forward.
The six-part virtual series will be open to the public. This is the second event in the series, which will take place on Friday, April 23 at noon.
As the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court of the United States holds the responsibility and obligation to ensure equal justice under the law. As diverse Americans continue to push ideologies and policy positions onto their representatives who in turn enact laws, how is the Supreme Court interpreting the constitutionality of such legislation as it relates to our first amendment rights? Join Ronna Greff Schnieder, Constitutional Law Professor at the University of Cincinnati, as she unpacks the tensions between free speech and hate speech, the friction between religious liberties and civil liberties, and other challenging dynamics facing the US Supreme Court in dynamic and difficult times.
Alongside each of the live speakers, JCRC is launching a companion series of on demand video text studies that will explore more deeply Jewish wisdom and tradition in relationship to each speaker’s theme.
To Bigotry No Sanction is part of a yearlong focus the Jewish Community Relations Council is placing on the role we all have to play in protecting and strengthening our democracy, which is critical to our security as Jews and as Americans.
This event is brought to you by the Jewish Community Relations Council. It is co-sponsored by Adath Israel Congregation.