An Unusual Year. An Incredible Team.
For Jewish Family Service, and the rest of the world, 2020 was an unusual year. Our team was on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, responding to the essential needs of our community. And we couldn't have done it without the partnership from the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, the Jewish Home of Cincinnati, The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati and all of the people who stepped forward to share their time and resources.
When we could not meet in person as we normally would, we organized virtual activities for our Russian Jewish Cultural Center and Vital Support Center clients to help prevent isolation. We continued counseling through telehealth appointments. We continued to serve Holocaust survivors and other older adults by providing home care, masks, and essential supplies. We fed more families this, prevented more evictions, and repaired more furnaces during the cold winter.
For more than 75 years, Jewish Family Service has strengthened lives, together. This year looked different in the ways we did that, but our mission was accomplished all the same.
Join us Thursday, May 6 at 7 p.m. for the Jewish Family Service Annual Meeting. It will be a celebration of the immediate and profound impact JFS had on the community during a time of crisis. We will also celebrate the many ways the community came together, even as people were apart.
This year’s annual meeting will also mark a change in lay leadership for Jewish Family Service. Outgoing president Dan Rapp will step down, as Nancy Warren is installed as the new president.
Join us as we mark the end of a very unusual very, and celebrate the incredible team of staff and volunteers who served our community in a time of need.