
19 2020

Read it in Hebrew Classes

7:30PM - 8:30PM  

Buzzy Ajzenszmidt 7587 Central Parke Blvd
Ste E
MASON, OH 45040

Contact Buzzy Ajzenszmidt

$ Cost $ 50.00

Have you ever felt lost in synagogue simply because you don’t know how to read Hebrew?

Read it in Hebrew is a game-changer!! It appeals to people at all levels of Jewish education, including those without any prior experience in Jewish learning as well as those who need a refresher course. With flashcards depicting the letters alongside catchy mnemonics, Read in Hebrew feels like a game of concentration, It's Easy and Fun! In just five short one hour classes you will be reading Hebrew like a pro.

This course is more than just a reading course, students get a glimpse of the profound depth of the Hebrew language, including brief Talmudic and Kabbalistic explanations of the letters Plus learning to read Hebrew strengthens one’s connection to Judaism and the Jewish people in a powerful way.

Don't miss this great opportunity. Sign up today!