This crisis has disrupted our lives. I’ve been standing at my makeshift desk in our basement, running Zoom meetings and trying to stay grounded amid all the turbulence. But through all the chaos you have reason to be proud—because every day during this coronavirus fight, you are doing so much good.
Your support of the Federation’s Annual Campaign has enabled our partner agencies to fulfill vital needs during this COVID-19 crisis, including:
Launching our community’s COVID-19 HOTLINE. (Jewish Family Service, Mayerson JCC, JVS Career Services)
Delivering 14-days-worth of shelf-stable meals to isolated seniors. That’s 5,000 meals. (Mayerson JCC)
Providing vulnerable community members with pre-bagged groceries and supplies. This includes finding safe ways to still provide approximately 650 kosher Passover meals to food-insecure individuals. (Jewish Family Service)
Giving emotional support to Cincinnati’s Holocaust survivors and Russian-speaking seniors—buying groceries, rescheduling medical appointments, connecting them virtually with family members, and much more. (Jewish Family Service)
Providing free support, remotely, for new job-seekers. (JVS Career Service)
In addition to powering the urgently needed aid through our partner agencies, the Federation has also taken action independently, including:
Advocating successfully to ensure nonprofit participation in the largest emergency aid package in US history.
Coaching ten partner agencies through their applications for forgivable Federal loans (available under the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security—CARES Act) to fund their near-term operating expenses and employee salaries.
Compiling virtual resources and events, including ideas on how to help bring you, your families, and your friends together for a virtual Passover experience.
Find out more about how you are helping here.
As the saying goes, we were ready on 9/11 because we were there on 9/10. The Federation is uniquely positioned to hold our community together— convening our agencies, schools and congregations to keep them running and providing essential support during this crisis.
Although we must remain socially distant, we are making a huge difference together.
Please, stay safe and healthy during these difficult times.