I hope you welcomed in 2021 with a warm, cozy, and safe celebration with your loved ones. I trust you and yours are healthy. I am writing with exciting news.
As you may know, I have worked for the Jewish community for my whole adult life. I am committed to you, our Jewish community here in Cincinnati, above all. This commitment to our community is my passion.
I am honored and humbled, therefore, to announce that the Federation’s Executive Committee offered me the opportunity to help lead our Federation into the future, supported by Shep Englander, CEO, promoting me to President of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati. I have accepted. I am thankful for the wideness of vision that has created this innovative structure, with me as President and Shep as CEO. Also notable is their choice to embrace diversity: As of January 1, I am the first professional female leader of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati in our 124-year history.
You may be concerned how this change will impact our financials. I can assure you that we take our responsibility as financial stewards very seriously. This structural change is within budget and will facilitate greater collaboration, creativity, and agility here at Federation. It will enhance the Federation’s culture of innovation and strengthen our internal operations and services. Above all, we know that this change will further the continued growth and success of the Federation and its mission.
Here’s what I am thinking about as I start my new role:
Looking broadly: Jewish educator, leader, and writer Avaham Infeld’s vision speaks to me at my core. He believes that the idea of Jewish peoplehood connects Jews together, no matter where we live or how we practice. He believes in diversity, but also that we are one people. One person’s way to embrace Judaism is no less authentic than another’s. He advocates that “the Jewish people should be unified, not uniform.” “Peoplehood” speaks to me. I am energized by and will work for you, our people, our community, in all our diversity.
Looking locally: As we look ahead into 2021 we have challenges to tackle. Our agencies are facing significant obstacles that will challenge their very existence—higher expenses, more people in need of our help than ever before, loss of revenue. COVID still threatens us, and our organizations. But we will prevail. Our Jewish professionals have tripled down on their passion and investment in you, those in need, and our community.
I am deeply committed to our community’s vision to build a flourishing, inclusive Jewish community for future generations—working in partnership with our staff, the Federation and JCRC boards, volunteer leadership, agency partners, and key community stakeholders, and even more humbled by the opportunity to grow and nurture our talented professional staff.
Over the next few months, I look forward to transitioning into my new role while we look for a senior Development professional to lead the charge of optimizing Federation’s fundraising, including long-term total giving.
I am excited and humbled by this opportunity to strengthen our community. Please call me (513-289-9590) or email (dminson@jfedcin.org) me with your questions, thoughts and insights. I will answer the call. I look forward to our continued partnership.
Look forward to seeing you soon and be well.