During these difficult times, we hope you and your family are healthy and managing well. We are writing to update you on what the Jewish Federation is doing right now to help our community manage through this crisis.
I am proud of our Jewish Federation professionals, who have had to cancel Super Sunday and all the events they have worked so hard on, send our precious young emissaries back to Israel, and figure out how to work harder than ever but suddenly only from their homes.
Our Shared Business Service professionals didn’t miss a step in supporting over 20 agencies, congregations, and schools, many of which shut down their offices with little or no notice. Operating remotely, our SBS team is providing essential services despite uncertain financial realities and fast-changing government regulations. For example, they are supporting our JCC, which has needed to close to the public, while maintaining its food service to support its essential Meals on Wheels programs.
Our professionals are doing an extraordinary job keeping our community connected despite physical distance. We are providing an up-to-date Virtual Community Event Calendar filled with creative opportunities to connect virtually with others in Jewish Cincinnati as well as ideas for families. You can participate in Jewish study, join an online book group, or take one of the J’s great fitness classes at home. And stay connected and up-to-date:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Hub: Your source for daily updates from trusted sources, including how to talk to your kids about the coronavirus.
Send us Your Ideas to Connect: Share your creative ideas for how we can stay connected and support each other.
Our COVID-19 HOTLINE is now ready for use across our Jewish community. It gives callers access to food and basic home supplies, counseling, job seeking services, home care for older adults, and more—connecting you with helpful resources. The hotline is being managed by JFS and all information will be kept strictly confidential. Call us if you or a loved one has concerns, questions, or could simply benefit from a friendly conversation. Please call 513-766-3333 or fill out this online form.
Our Jewish Community Relations Council has been doing government advocacy and assistance, coordinating hourly with Jewish community government affairs specialists in Columbus and Washington, DC. They have spoken directly to Governor Mike DeWine and US Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown to ensure that state and federal relief will include support for our community and its essential services. You can support their efforts by urging our congressional leaders to support the newly proposed stimulus package. They are also educating our community on how to access needed services. Here are two areas in which government assistance has just been increased:
How You are Helping
Despite previously unimaginable challenges, our community's organizations continue to provide for the vulnerable and homebound. Because of your campaign gift, Jewish Family Service is still providing much-needed support for Holocaust survivors and is making sure families have enough to eat through their food pantry. With the help of our staff and other community professionals, the Mayerson JCC recently prepared and delivered more than 5,000 meals to homebound seniors in our community. And they’re not finished yet. To keep up with the demand, we need your campaign gift to support the JCC and JFS now more than ever.
These are challenging times. But together, we will find our way through this crisis and remain the strong, caring community we have been for nearly two centuries.