“As hard as it will be to leave this wonderful community, it is a good time for the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati and for our family. It is a good time for the Federation because it is strong. And it is a good time for our family because all of our kids are all launched and thriving elsewhere.
Nothing in my career has been more gratifying than nurturing an exceptionally talented Federation professional team. I am especially proud to have mentored Danielle Minson for the past 15 years. And I have been inspired by the growth in her extraordinary professional leadership throughout. I am confident that she and our exceptional management team and Board are poised and ready to lead our Federation and continue the innovation and collaboration that has made our community the envy of others.
During the pandemic, I reflected on what has energized me most over the past 16 years. It was organizational growth and transformation. That’s why I chose Sarasota. It is one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in America and they are seeking models for their Federation that are new and innovative. It will also offer opportunities similar to those that I found when I arrived here. For example, I will be managing the construction and launch of a new 33-acre community campus. My goal will be to make their campus as transformative as our Mayerson JCC campus has been here. In short, I am excited to lead a new community transformation and honored to have been selected to do so.
I am so glad to depart with confidence that Cincinnati's Federation will remain strong and that the transition will be smooth. I am grateful to have worked with so many of you to help this community reach its potential. I will miss seeing you at the J Cafe and around town. But I’ll be watching from Florida with excitement to see the next steps in this community’s remarkable journey. In Hebrew, we don’t say goodbye. We say l’hitraot--see you later." —Shep Englander
We will share details shortly about a community-wide celebration for Shep at the end of June.
Here's the press release that went out today:
Top Jewish Leader Accepts New Post in Florida
Leaving Jewish Federation of Cincinnati after 16 Years
Cincinnati — The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati has announced that Shep Englander, after 16 years of leading the Federation, will be resigning as CEO as of June 30, 2021. Shep is leaving to become the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee in Florida.
“Shep has been, and continues to be, an outstanding leader and is leaving our community in a position of tremendous strength,” said board chair Debbie Brant. “Shep has led with imagination, vision, empathy, and wisdom. He has built strong relationships both inside and outside our Jewish community to propel us forward.”
Shep’s first project was building consensus and spearheading the capital campaign for the Jewish Community Center campus, which led to Cincinnati becoming one of America's most collaborative and strategic Jewish communities. He was an architect of the uniquely effective collaboration amongst the Cincinnati Federation, The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati, and its partner agencies. He developed the Cincinnati 2020 community vision and plan; he launched one of America’s first comprehensive Jewish community security initiatives—SAFE Cincinnati; and he created Shared Business Services, providing the Cincinnati Jewish community organizations with premium financial stewardship.
“I hope you will join me in offering our most sincere gratitude to Shep for his exemplary service to the Jewish Federation,” Brant said. “We will share details shortly about a community-wide celebration at the end of June.”
“As hard as it will be to leave this wonderful community, it is a good time for the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati and for our family,” Englander said. “It is a good time for the Federation because it is strong. And it is a good time for our family because all of our kids are all launched and thriving elsewhere."
“Nothing in my career has been more gratifying than nurturing an exceptionally talented Federation professional team. I am especially proud to have mentored Danielle Minson for the past 15 years. And I have been inspired by the growth in her extraordinary professional leadership throughout. I am confident that she and our exceptional management team and board are poised and ready to lead our Federation and continue the innovation and collaboration that has made our community the envy of others. I am so glad to depart with confidence that Cincinnati's Federation will remain strong and that the transition will be smooth.”
“The executive committee has appointed Minson as President and Interim CEO beginning on July 1, 2021,” Brant said. “Danielle has grown to take on more and more responsibilities each year. A native Cincinnatian, Danielle has a passion for, and commitment to, our community. She has a keen awareness of both the challenges and opportunities our community is facing and embodies our core values of compassion, courage, inclusivity, integrity, and learning. We are very excited for our future!”
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