Our July News:
Big news: Our beautiful new Legacy Flame video goes to the heart of the question: Why legacy? You can see it the next time you stop by the Legacy Flame sculpture and exhibit at the JCC.
Update from David Harris, CYJL Manager: Back in April Julie Davidson Meyers of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer lost her father, Bruce Davidson of blessed memory. It was around the time of her community’s Year 2 legacy celebration. She considered not attending but decided that the best way to honor her father would be to inspire others to leave a legacy. Here are the heartfelt and inspiring remarks Julie shared that day: "Tiny Actions and Honoring My Father."
Upcoming Events: JPAN Summer Lunches Please join JPAN (Jewish Professional Advisors Network) for our informal small-group lunches to gather for networking and sharing ideas. Pick the lunch date that best fits your schedule. The lunches take place at noon every other Thursday: remaining lunches are: July 21, August 4, and August 18. Please RSVP to Deb Steinbuch atdsteinbuch@jfedcin.org or 513-985-1593. Location information will be provided the Monday prior to the lunch.
Meet Jim Heldman and Wendy Saunders:
Jim grew up in Cincinnati where the Heldman family has been part of the community for more than 150 years. After meeting in D.C., Jim and Wendy moved to Cincinnati in 1981, where they raised their two children.
Family and community have always been, and always will be, a significant part of their lives. Watch their video to see why they give.
Jim's Tip for July: Use Your IRA Rollover Wisely, and Save on Taxes
This is not a tip for everyone—but it’s one I’ve offered to friends and people of a certain age who’ve asked me for advice a lot—five times in the last month—and each time they’ve thanked me. It has just recently become a permanent benefit so I want to share it with you. Some people who have reached their golden years may have all the income they currently need, but are required to take a certain percentage out of their IRA every year and then pay taxes on that extra unwanted income. Many people I talk to still don’t know that, as of this past December, the IRA rollover is permanent.... More>
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