June News: Sustainers photos; JPAN Lunches, Larry Spitz; Jim's Tips; more

Big news: Our annual campaign officially closed May 31. Looking at all types of fundraising, we came in well over our goal. We couldn’t have done it without the time and passion of our dedicated volunteer solicitors and donors. Congratulations to all and thank you!

Update from David Harris, CYJL Manager: It was great to see so many of you last week at our Abraham Moss Society reception and at our Sustainers (community-wide legacy) Event! We hope that you enjoyed the event. Some great photos are here.

We honored Larry Neuman, current Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati CYJL Team Leader, as this year’s Mesel Weider Mensch Award recipient. This portion of his nomination says it all: "Larry is a selfless person. He doesn’t expect recognition. He just wants to do the right thing." We also honored Abraham Moss Society inductees Nathan and Marcie Bachrach, Barbara Brown, Ross and Jan Evans, Marty and Sally Hiudt, Eddie and Nina Paul, and Steve and Penny Pomeranz. Mazal Tov to all!
I recently returned from the March of the Living trip (1 week in Poland exploring the Holocaust and 1 week in Israel exploring Israel). In Europe, we learned the stories of individuals and families who perished and never were able to fulfill their full potentials. We also contemplated, however, the lost potential of entire communities that were wiped out.
The creative/spiritual/cultural potential of a community is more than just the individual members – the unleashed potential is built up, stored, and fostered in institutions and programs and collective, shared experiences that take place in our organizations. It was invigorating to follow the experiences in Poland and Israel with a national legacy conference with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation in Massachusetts, where over 150 representatives of communities like ours from across the country gathered to exchange ideas about securing our communities’ futures. We’re creating a strong community here and it is an incredible responsibility and privilege.  

Upcoming Events: JPAN Summer Lunches  Please join JPAN (Jewish Professional Advisors Network) for an informal small-group lunch to gather for networking and sharing ideas. Pick the lunch date that best fits your schedule. The lunches will take place at noon every other Thursday: June 23, July 7, July 21, August 4, and August 18. Please RSVP to Deb Steinbuch at dsteinbuch@jfedcin.org or 513-985-1593. Location information will be provided the Monday prior to the lunch.

Why does Larry Spitz give? — Born in Cincinnati in 1930, Larry has been an active member of the JCC and a generous supporter of the Jewish community. He has made this legacy gift because the community has been such a strong part of his life and his identity, and wants to keep that going for future generations. Larry says, "When I started making my own way I started giving, and as I did better I increased it. I just feel I'm part of the community." 

Watch his video to learn Larry's story.




Jim's Tip for June: Why Pay Attention to Leftovers? It was the kind of gift all nonprofits dream about. Within the past year, the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati received notification from an attorney that we were to be the recipient of a $100,000 bequest from a woman whose name we did not recognize.

We did a little research in our database and discovered this woman (let’s call her Doris) had been a loyal, $500 a year, annual donor for more than 20 years. Doris passed away at age 94. Her husband had predeceased her, and she had no children. When we received the check, we discovered ...  More >


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