Jewish Cincinnati News

Hurricane Dorian Response

Hurricane Dorian strikes the Bahamas, whose people are already being helped by our partner agency, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC).

As we all track Hurricane Dorian's devastating progress, I want you to know that our partner agency, the American Jewish Joint Dis…

'Do Something': The Scoop in August

“Do Something.” In a year that has seen more mass shootings than days, we can sometimes feel numb to news of another. However, the violence in Dayton last weekend reached us. We heard that as Ohio Governor Mike DeWine spoke at a vigil in Dayton, the crowd chanted, “Do something.”

I …

Letter to Ohio Lawmakers Calls for Action to Address Gun Violence

At a vigil following the mass shooting in Dayton, the crowd chanted “do something” as Ohio Governor Mike DeWine spoke. The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) has actually been doing something for the last year and a half—since horrific tragedies, including those at synagogues in…

10 Reasons to Join Federation’s Young Adult Leadership Class

Emily Werbel, here pictured with her husband Aaron, shares 10 reasons the new LEAD program is amazing.

A new LEAD cohort is forming now—deadline is August 15. Apply here.

Why join a group of young Jewish adults, once a month, to learn about leadership and the Jewish community?


Beth and Louis Guttman Honored for Philanthropy and Commitment to Community

Beth and Louis Guttman were honored this past June at the Voices of Giving event. They are pictured center, with, from left to right, Danielle V. Minson, Shep Englander, Debra Steinbuch, and Jim Friedman, all from the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.

This past June, community leaders …