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Jewish Cincinnati in the News

[WCPO:] Gen-Z relieved to escape their smartphones for several weeks

Members of Generation Z are relieved when placed in a situation where they are unable to access their smartphones for several weeks, according to a study conducted by Screen Education, a non-profit organization that addresses smartphone addiction, and Camp Livingston, a Cincinnati-based…

[The Times of Israel:] Natan Sharansky: A man of partnership

I never thought that becoming a Jewish Agency shlicha (Israeli emissary) in the Jewish community of Cincinnati would lead me to the moment where I found myself sitting with Natan Sharansky — the living legend — in a chavruta (one-on-one studying) around a Jewish text. It was a cool…

[WCPO:] Anti-Semitic incidents surged nearly 60% in 2017

Anti-Semitic incidents in the US surged nearly 60% in 2017, driven in part by an increase in such cases in schools and college campuses, a new report says. It's the largest single-year increase on record -- and every state reported at least one incident for the first time since at least…

[WVXU Cincinnati:] Talk Of Change After Racist Chants Elder Basketball Game

This has been a week of apology and reflection at Elder High School. When the West Side school played St. Xavier on February 2, Elder's student cheering section hurled racist chants at two players on the opposing team and called St. X fans by a homophobic slur. Joining us to discuss the…

[Cleveland Jewish News:] Cincinnati’s Rabbi Barr ends bid for Congress

Rabbi Robert Barr, a rabbi at Congregation Beth Adam in the Cincinnati suburb of Loveland, has ended his bid for U.S. Congress. Barr, 62, was running as a Democrat and trying to become the first rabbi to serve in Congress and was running in Ohio's 1st Congressional District. He was to…