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Jewish Cincinnati in the News

40 Cincy Jews. 10 days in Israel. 100% paid for.

Cincinnati’s Jewish young adults, ages 22-26, are invited to join a free, once-in-a-lifetime trip to Israel this winter, Dec. 23-Jan. 4. Thanks to The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati and Taglit-Birthright Israel, the trip will be 100% paid for.

Community Shaliach (Israeli Emissary) Yair Cohen says goodbye

Community Shaliach (Israeli Emissary) Yair Cohen and his family have just finished their three years in Cincinnati. Yair sent this farewell letter to the community.

Federation partners with Cincinnati Children's, Hadassah for SHAI program

The SHAI program will combine, expand, and further formalize the ongoing efforts of the Jewish Federation, Hadassah and Cincinnati Children's to provide hospitality to Israelis working at Cincinnati Children’s and their families.

Ten Israeli Scouts visit local Boy Scout camp

Ten Israeli Scouts, ages 13 and 14, visited Cincinnati and attended Camp Friedlander for two weeks in June 2014, to connect Israeli Scouts with American Boy Scouts in Cincinnati.